Monday, July 20, 2009

Maternity Monday - "When shoudl I start wearing maternity clothes?"

Hmmmm...I get this question almost daily from first time mom-to-be. And since we're getting into our busy maternity season. How do we have a "busy season"? Most babies are born in the fall, this is because most babies are conceived during the holiday season...blame the cocktails at the holiday parties, so right about now those mom-to-be are just getting to the point that their jeans are getting a bit snug. THIS is the time to start wearing maternity clothes! For some reason many...many...women put off buying their first pair of maternity pants. I'm not sure why. You're uncomfortable...using that silly rubber-band "trick". When you're only putting of the're going to have to buy and wear maternity pants some day, so why not do it now and get the most wear you possibly can out of them. I'm talking specifically about pants here because that's what we grow out of first...we can cheat with our tops for a few months longer. We also have a few options for "transition" pants at the store. Remember, anything you buy now you will be wearing after the baby is born. I know you're thinking "I will loose my baby weight fast, I'm breastfeeding." But its truly not always that easy! My personal rule is, put the maternity jeans away when your baby is 6 months old - that gives me one more month!! Because believe me, if you think buying maternity pants is depressing due to your growing body, its nothing compared to the feeling of buying "big girl" pants because you can't fit into your pre-pregnancy clothes.

So, toss out the rubber band & stop into the store for some real comfy pants! See all you September and October moms soon!!

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