Saturday, October 17, 2009

Bad Dreams? Catch them!

It amazes me that little ones should even have bad dreams...I just think its cruel & unfair. And I always wonder with my 5 year old, what are they about? I'm always afraid to ask as not to remind her of them. Our Mimi (or grandma) has a dreamcatchers in her your kids can make thier own!

Dreamcatchers are an authentic American Indian tradition, from the Ojibway tribe. Ojibway people would tie sinew strands in a web around a small round or tear-shaped frame and hang this "dream-catcher" as a charm to protect sleeping children from nightmares. The legend is that the bad dreams will get caught in the web.

Make your own Dreamcatcher

4" embroidery hoop
tacky lue
4 yards yarn
jingle blees, feathers, beads
craft foam

how to
1. tie a loop of yarn at the top of the hoop at a hanger
2. knot one end of yarn at the top of the hoop & glue to secure
3. stretch the yarn across the hoop to the opposite side and wrap twice around the rim. Continue until you form a "web" leaving about 5" of yarn; knot and secure with glue.
4. cut yarn to approx. 18"; fold in half unevenly and tie to the bottom of the hoop.
5. decorate with bells, feathers and beads.
6. with craft foam, create a name plate; with a hole punch, punch holes in the corner and attach to the center of the web.

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