Saturday, July 11, 2009

HullaBaloo's Newest Fan ~ Welcome to the World Baby Carson

If you've been in shopping within the past nine months, you most likely have seen Dana working at the store sporting her own baby belly!

Its been a long last few weeks - as many of you can relate to - but today I'm so excited to introduce everyone to baby Carson! Born yesterday on July 10th, weighing in at 6lbs 10oz and 20.5 inches long - we're both excited that he's a little peanut and will be able to wear Zutano's Itzy Bitzy for a little while! Both mom & baby are doing great and are resting in the hospital for a few days before they go home to be with big sister Avery & dad.

Congratulations Dana! Enjoy these precious few months, they go by so fast & although they're the most exhausting, they're the most precious. We can't wait to meet him!


melissa said... sweet!

kelli said...
