Thursday, July 2, 2009

Kid Friendly Sparklers...Of Course its a Craft!

Ok. So I hate to admit it, but I'm not usually the mom who cuts craft ideas out of parenting magazines, take a trip to Micheals for supplies and then actually sit down & do a craft with the kids. I wish I was that mom more often. Not sure why I'm not. I love crafty creative things - I went to art school after all - and my daughter loves doing them. But somehow the mountain of laundry & list of un-answered emails calls my name louder (or Maybe its the guilt of what to do with the craft once its done!)

But this week, I was that mom! In our little city the 4th of July is a full weekend of celebration. Mary's favorite holiday right behind the gift giving ones of Christmas & her birthday..."red white & blue day" as we call it in our house! So when I saw this super cute craft for "kid friendly" sparklers, I thought Mary would not only love to wave these at the parade, but would love making them!! During a playdate with her favorite little girl friend, we made our own sparklers! It was easy for my 4 1/2 year old & not as messy as one would think with glitter & glue...I give it an A+.

1. take 5 or 6 pipe cleaners & cut them in half for one sparkler
2. dip each end in glue, then in glitter; lay to dry
3. gather the stems together, taking one to twist in the middle of the other. bend & flare out the "arms" to resemble fireworks
we glued our's onto thin wooden dowels so they could be "waved" in the air.
Hope everyone has a wonderful (& safe) 4th of July!

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